Our toddler program serves children from 12 to 36 months and is designed to provide stimulating experiences for the children, where they can learn through their own inquisitiveness. The emphasis during the toddler years is on building self-confidence and fostering the natural curiosity that toddlers possess. Throughout the day, toddlers enjoy a large variety of play materials that are readily available to them. Art, music, language, and science activities are also provided to stimulate their learning experience.
Our teachers offer the tenderness, warmth, and patience that are essential during this age. Children feel comfortable in our toddler class settings when their parents leave. A deep respect for each child ensures that your toddler will truly love his or her school environment and, from that, develop a long-lasting love for learning.
Do You Have Questions?
If you have further inquiries or concerns, feel free to leave us a message through our contact form. Our staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible.